哀 憐 āi lián : feel compassion for; pity
凹 āo : a depression; indentation; concave; hollow
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坳 ào : a depression; cavity; hollow
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拗 陷 ào xiàn : geological depression
敗 筆 bài bǐ : a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting; a faulty expression in writing
保 送 bǎo sòng : recommend (for admission to school)
備 取 bèi qǔ : be on the waiting list (for admission to a school)
本 行 běn háng : one's line; one's own profession
本 題 běn tí : the subject under discussion; the point at issue
逼 供 bī gòng : extort a confession
逼 供 信 bī gòng xìn : obtain confessions by compulsion; confession under duress
貶 詞 biǎn cí : derogatory term; expression of censure
表 情 biǎo qíng : (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression
表 現 biǎo xiàn : expression; manifestation; show; display; manifest; to show (off); to display
不 打 自 招 bù dǎ zì zhāo : confess without being pressed; make a confession without duress
不 景 氣 bù jǐng qì : depression; recession; slump
部 委 bù wěi : ministries and commissions
差 chāi : send; a messenger; a mission; to commission
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抄 家 chāo jiā : to search a house and confiscate possessions
傳 道 者 chuán dào zhě : missionary; preacher
傳 教 士 chuán jiào shì : missionary
傳 輸 chuán shū : transport; transmission
傳 輸 技 術 chuán shū jì shì : transmission technology
傳 輸 距 離 chuán shū jù lí : transmission distance
傳 輸 控 制 協 定 chuán shū kōng zhì xié dìng : transmission control protocol; TCP
傳 輸 控 制 chuán shū kòng zhì : transmission control
傳 輸 率 chuán shū lǜ : transmission rate
傳 輸 媒 體 chuán shū méi tǐ : transmission medium
傳 輸 媒 質 chuán shū méi zhì : transmission medium
傳 輸 模 式 chuán shū mó shì : transfer mode; transmission method
傳 輸 設 備 chuán shū shè bèi : transmission facility; transmission equipment
傳 輸 速 率 chuán shū sù lǜ : transmission rate; transmission speed
傳 真 發 送 chuán zhēn fā sòng : fax transmission
慈 cí : compassionate; gentle; merciful; kind; humane
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呆 «騃» dāi : foolish; stupid; no expression; stay
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發 送 功 率 fā sòng gōng lǜ : transmission power; output power
反 響 fǎn xiǎng : repercussions; reaction; echo
紛 紛 fēn fēn : one after another; in succession; one by one
分 裂 fēn liè : split up; to split; to divide; to break up; fission
工 gōng : work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor
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行 «行» háng : a row; profession; professional
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好 感 hǎo gǎn : good opinion; favorable impression
和 平 會 談 hé píng huì tán : peace talks; peace discussions
會 談 huì tán : talks; discussions
獲 准 huò zhǔn : obtain permission
家 «傢» jiā : -ist; -er; -ian; home; family; a person engaged in a certain art or profession
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解 壓 縮 jiě yā suō : to decompress; decompression (esp. computer)
經 濟 衰 退 jīng jì shuāi tuì : (economic) recession
軍 委 jūn wěi : Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee
開 庭 kāi tíng : begin a (judicial) court session
聯 邦 電 信 交 通 委 員 會 lián bāng diàn xìn jiāo tōng wěi yuán huì : Federal Communications Commission; FCC
錄 共 lù gòng : to take down a confession
論 點 lùn diǎn : argument; line of reasoning; thesis; point (of discussion)
論 壇 lùn tán : forum (for discussion)
密 談 mì tán : commune; private discussion
閔 [闵] mǐn : (surname); feel compassion for
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內 懮 外 患 nèi yōu wài huàn : domestic strife and foreign aggression
派 遣 pài qiǎn : send (on a mission); dispatch
盆 地 pén dì : basin (low-lying geographical feature); depression
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情 qíng : feeling; emotion; passion; situation
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全 會 quán huì : plenary session (at a conference)
讓 步 ràng bù : (make a) concession; to give in; to yield
熱 情 rè qíng : cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately
任 務 rèn wu : mission; assignment; task; duty; role
翣 shà : wooden fan carried in procession
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嬗 shàn : changes and succession
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神 情 shén qíng : look; expression
使 館 shǐ guǎn : consulate; diplomatic mission
使 命 shǐ mìng : a (diplomatic or other) mission
書 面 許 可 shū miàn xǔ kě : written permission; written authorization
屬 地 shǔ dì : dependency; possession; annexed territory
數 據 傳 輸 shù jù chuán shū : data transmission
所 有 權 suǒ yǒu quán : ownership; possession
坦 率 tǎn shuài : frank (discussion); blunt; open
討 論 的 議 題 tǎo lún de yì tí : topic of discussion
討 論 會 tǎo lùn huì : symposium; discussion forum
體 現 tǐ xiàn : to embody; to reflect; to give expression to; to be reflected in
同 情 tóng qíng : compassion; relent; sympathize; sympathy
窪 [洼] wā : depression; sunken; swamp
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委 wěi : give up; indeed; to commission
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席 位 xí wèi : parliamentary or congressional seat
先 後 xiān hòu : in succession; one after another
蕭 條 xiāo tiáo : (economic) depression
壓 迫 yā pò : oppress; oppression
壓 縮 yā suō : to compress; compression
言 論 yán lùn : expression of (political) opinion
研 討 會 yán tǎo huì : discussion forum; seminar
業 務 yè wù : business; profession
議 論 yì lùn : to comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion
議 題 yì tí : topic of discussion; topic; subject; issue (under discussion)
佣 yòng : commission (for middleman)
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