安 步 當 車 ān bù dàng chē : walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage; walk rather than ride
安 穩 ān wěn : smooth and steady
暗 送 秋 波 àn sòng qiū bō : make eyes at sb; while others are not looking; stealthily give sb; the glad eye; make secret overtures to sb
班 輪 bān lún : regular passenger or cargo ship; regular steamship service
包 子 bāo zi : steamed stuffed bun
癟 三 biē sān : a wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing
餑 餑 bō bo : pastry; steamed bun; cake
炊 chuī : dress food; to steam; to cook food
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盜 [盗] dào : steal; rob; plunder; a thief; bandit; robber
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反 而 fǎn ér : instead; contrary (to expectations)
廢 氣 fèi qì : waste (exhaust) gas; steam
家 園 jiā yuán : home; homestead
堅 定 jiān dìng : firm; steady; staunch
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埋 頭 mán tou : steamed bun; steamed bread
每 況 愈 下 měi kuàng yù xià : steadily deteriorate
饃 mó : small loaf of steamed bread
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汽 船 qì chuán : steamboat; steamship
悄 悄 地 qiāo qiāo de : gently; softly; stealthily
竊 [窃] qiè : I beg to presume; steal
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傞 suō : uneven; unsteady (in dancing)
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騰 騰 téng téng : steaming; scathing
偷 «偸» tōu : to steal; to pilfer
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吐 氣 tǔ qì : aspirated; to blow off steam
穩 [稳] wěn : settled; steady; stable
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穩 健 wěn jiàn : firm; stable and steady
卼 wù : uncomfortable; unsteady
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液 態 水 yè tài shuǐ : liquid water (as opposed to steam or ice, e.g.)
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烝 zhēng : advance; many; steam
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貲 [赀] zī : fine instead of punishment; property
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
Zhendic searched stea as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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