報 關 bào guān : declare at customs; apply to customs
不 服 水 土 bù fú shuǐ tǔ : (of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a new place; not acclimatized
吃 不 服 chī bu fú : not be accustomed to eating sth; not be used to certain food
風 [风] fēng : wind; news; style; custom; manner
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腹 fù : abdomen; stomach; belly
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關 稅 guān shuì : (customs) duty; tariff
慣 [惯] guàn : accustomed to; used to
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規 矩 guī ju : rule; custom; well-behaved
海 關 hǎi guān : customs (ie, border crossing inspection)
客 kè : customer; visitor; guest
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忸 niǔ : accustomed to; blush; be shy
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趴 pā : to lie on one's stomach
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卡 qiǎ : customs station; to be choked; to fasten; to clip; to wedge; checkpost
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胃 病 wèi bìng : stomach trouble; stomach illness
習 慣 xí guàn : habit; custom; usual practice; to be used to
習 慣 性 xí guàn xìng : customary
習 以 為 常 xí yǐ wéi cháng : be accustomed or used to
用 戶 端 設 備 yòng hù duān shè bèi : customer premise equipment; CPE
專 門 zhuān mén : specialist; specialized; customized
膍 pí : (archaic) cow's stomach
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Zhendic searched stom as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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