保 藏 bǎo cáng : keep in store; preserve
寶 貴 bǎo guì : valuable; precious; value; treasure; set store by
報 導 bào dào : to cover (report) news; news reporting; story; article
暴 風 bào fēng : storm wind; storm (force 11 wind)
暴 風 雪 bào fēng xuě : snowstorm; blizzard
暴 風 雨 bào fēng yǔ : rainstorm; storm; tempest
暴 風 驟 雨 bào fēng zhòu yǔ : violent storm; hurricane; tempest
暴 雨 bào yǔ : torrential rain; rainstorm
本 事 běn shì : ability; skill; source material; original story
鼻 祖 bí zǔ : the earliest ancestor; originator (of a tradition, school of thought, etc)
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蓖 «芘» bì : the castor-oil plant
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編 年 體 biān nián tǐ : annalistic style (in historiography)
變 天 biàn tiān : change of weather; restoration of reactionary rule
病 歷 bìng lì : medical record; case history
波 bō : wave; ripple; storm; surge
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撥 雲 見 日 bō yún jiàn rì : dispel the clouds and see the sun - restore justice
補 法 bǔ fǎ : treatment involving the use of tonics to restore the patient's health; reinforcing method (in acupuncture)
不 經 之 談 bù jīng zhī tán : absurd statement; cock-and-bull story
採 訪 cǎi fǎng : cover (a news story)
倉 [仓] cāng : barn; granary; storehouse; cabin; hold (in ship)
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倉 庫 cāng kù : depot; storehouse; warehouse
藏 «蔵» cáng : to hide away; to conceal; to harbor; store; accumulate
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層 [层] céng : a measure word for layers; laminated; repeated; floor; story (of a building); layer
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查 證 chá zhèng : investigate; check out (a story)
廠 史 chǎng shǐ : factory history
宬 chéng : library stack; storage
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儲 [储] chǔ : savings; to save; to deposit; to store; (a surname)
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儲 藏 chǔ cáng : store; deposit; (oil, mineral, etc) deposits
儲 存 chǔ cún : stockpile; to store; to stockpile
存 cún : exist; deposit; store; keep; survive
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大 鬧 天 宮 dà nào tiān gōng : "The Monkey Creates Havoc in Heaven", story about Sun Wu Kong
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風 潮 fēng cháo : campaign; storm and stress
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古 蹟 gǔ jī : places of historic interest; historical sites
故 事 gù shì : narrative; story; tale
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紅 堡 hóng bǎo : Red Fort (historic building in Delhi, India)
恢 huī : to restore; to recover; great
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恢 復 huī fù : to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain
恢 復 原 狀 huī fù yuán zhuàng : restore
回 顧 歷 史 huí gù lì shǐ : to look back at history
積 [积] jī : to amass; to accumulate; to store; old; long-standing
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薺 [荠] «萕» jì : Capsella bursa pastoris
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刊 登 kān dēng : carry a story; publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
Big5: 施
, Unicode: 56e5
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庫 [库] kù : warehouse; storehouse
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來 歷 lái lì : history; antecedents; origin
歷 史 久 遠 lì shǐ jiǔ yuǎn : ancient history
歷 史 上 lì shǐ shàng : historical
歷 史 學 家 lì shǐ xué jiā : historian
樓 [楼] «樓» lóu : house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor
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Big5: 诺
, Unicode: 973e
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名 勝 míng shèng : a place famous for its scenery or historical relics; scenic spot
牧 師 mù shī : chaplain; churchman; clergyman; parson; pastor; priest; rector
Big5: 桶
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彷 徨 páng huáng : name of a collection of short stories, Pang Huang, "Wandering About", by Lu3 Xun4 緗ǔ
篇 幅 piān fu : (take up or devote) space; ink; time (in a printed page or news story); length (of a piece of writing)
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三 岔 口 sān chà kǒu : At The Crossroads, the name of a famous opera, story from Shui Hu Zhuan
商 號 shāng hào : store; a business
時 期 shí qī : a period in time or history; period; time (interval); phase
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闒 [阘] tà : door or window in an upper story
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通 訊 tōng xùn : communications; a news story (e.g. dispatched over the wire)
圖 書 tú shū : books (in a library or bookstore)
屯 tún : to station (soldiers); to store up
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歪 曲 wāi qū : distort; misrepresent
外 國 投 資 者 wài guó tóu zī zhě : foreign investor
文 物 wén wù : cultural relic; historical relic
武 庫 wǔ kù : arsenal; store of arms
祫 xiá : triennial sacrifice to ancestors
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線 索 xiàn suǒ : trail; clues; thread (of a story)
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敘 述 xù shù : relate (a story or information); tell or talk about
有 史 以 來 yǒu shǐ yǐ lái : since the beginning of history
原 委 yuán wěi : the whole story
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藏 «蔵» zàng : storehouse; depository; Buddhist or Taoist scripture; Zang; Tibet
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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