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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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bái táo : white pottery (of Shang Dynastry 16-11th century BC)

tǎn : tapestry (used as a wall hanging)

bīng : the Ministry of War in feudal China

[饼] bǐng : round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry

Big5: , Unicode: 9905 (餅),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

bǐng ěr : cakes; pastry

bo : pastry; steamed bun; cake

«卩» : ministry; department; section; part; division; troops; board; (a measure word); (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)

Big5: , Unicode: 90e8 (部),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

shǔ : affiliated to a ministry

cái zhèng : Ministry of Finance

chǎn : industry; estate; property; industrial

xíng : large scale industry; major industry

diǎn xīn : light refreshments; pastry

diàn gōng : electronics industry

gōng ān : (Ministry of) Public Security; public safety; public security

gōng ān : Ministry of Public Security

gōng shāng : industry and commerce

gōng shāng jiè : industry; the world of business

gōng : industry

gōng de tóu : industry mogul

guó fáng : Defense Department; Ministry of National Defense

guó yíng : nationalized industry

háng : industry; business

: feudal Chinese Ministry of Revenue

huá : ethnic Chinese; non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry

huà xué : chemistry; chemical

suàn gōng : computer industry

jiàn zhù : building industry

jūn huǒ : arms; weapons (industry)

kuàng : mining industry

shī zhī zhí : ministry

nèi zhèng : Ministry of the Interior

tuán : industry association

shěn guó fàng : Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson

sōng xià diàn gōng : Matsushita Electronics Industry

tōng xùn háng : communications industry

wài jiāo : Foreign Affairs ministry; foreign office; Dept. of State

xiù wéi : tapestry

jiè : industry

jiè biāo zhǔn : industry standard

zhī zhù chǎn : mainstay industry

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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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