愛 人 ài ren : spouse; husband; wife; sweetheart
打 掃 dǎ sǎo : to clean; to sweep
蕩 [荡] dàng : a pond; pool; wash; squander; sweep away; move; shake; dissolute
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卷 «捲» juǎn : to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on
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麥 芽 糖 mài yá táng : maltose (sweet syrup)
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勢 如 破 竹 shì rú pò zhú : sweeping
糖 «糖» táng : sugar; sweets; candy
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韋 爾 弗 雷 茲 wéi ěr fú léi zi : (George) Wehrfritz (Beijing bureau chief of Newsweek)
席 卷 xí juǎn : engulf; sweep; carry away everything
席 卷 亞 洲 xí juǎn yà zhōu : to sweep through Asia
喜 糖 xǐ táng : sweet given on a happy occasion (esp. wedding)
香 xiāng : fragrant; incense; (of food) savory; appetizing; sweet; scented; popular
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新 聞 週 刊 xīn wén zhōu kān : Newsweek magazine
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元 宵 yuán xiāo : sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour
Zhendic searched swee as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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