報 稅 bào shuì : declare dutiable goods; make a statement of dutiable goods
不 經 之 談 bù jīng zhī tán : absurd statement; cock-and-bull story
發 表 fā biǎo : to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out
發 表 聲 明 fā biǎo shēng míng : to issue a statement; to issue a declaration
發 言 fā yán : statement; utterance
聯 合 發 表 lián hé fā biǎo : joint statement; joint announcement
強 調 qiáng diào : to emphasize (a statement); to stress
熱 鬧 rè nao : bustling with noise and excitement; lively
聲 明 shēng míng : statement; declaration
聲 明 書 shēng míng shū : statement
說 法 shuō fa : statement; statement; wording; (someone's) version (of events)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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