庵 «菴» ān : hut; Buddhist convent; small Buddhist temple
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百 煉 成 鋼 bǎi liàn chéng gāng : be tempered into a steel
暴 風 雨 bào fēng yǔ : rainstorm; storm; tempest
暴 風 驟 雨 bào fēng zhòu yǔ : violent storm; hurricane; tempest
卑 鄙 bēi bǐ : base; mean; contemptible; despicable
北 溫 帶 běi wēn dài : the north temperate zone
輩 [辈] bèi : contemporaries; generation; lifetime
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祊 bēng : side altar inside ancestral temple
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便 橋 biàn qiào : temporary bridge
鬢 [鬓] bìn : temples; hair on the temples
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鬢 髮 bìn fà : hair on the temples
鬢 角 bìn jiǎo : temples; hair on the temples
不 齒 bù chǐ : despise; hold in contempt
剎 [刹] chà : Buddhist monastery or temple; a brief moment
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嘗 試 cháng shì : to try; to attempt
沈 思 chén sī : contemplate; contemplation; meditation
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淬 cuì : dip into water; to temper
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代 理 dài lǐ : acting (temporarily filling a position)
發 燒 fā shāo : have a high temperature (from illness); have a fever
海 洋 溫 度 hǎi yáng wēn dù : ocean temperature
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節 [节] «罇» jié : festival; section; temperate; point; part
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今 譯 jīn yì : modern language version; modern translation; contemporary translation
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臨 時 lín shí : temporary; interim
迷 人 mí rén : fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting
廟 [庙] miào : temple; monastery
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禰 [祢] nǐ : temple of deceased father
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脾 氣 pí qì : temperament; disposition; temper
棲 身 qī shēn : stay at; live in (temporarily)
輕 視 qīng shì : contempt; contemptuous; despise; scorn; scornful
試 圖 shì tú : to attempt; to try
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寺 廟 sì miào : temple; monastery; shrine
體 溫 tǐ wēn : (body) temperature
停 留 tíng liú : stay somewhere temporarily; stop over
同 時 代 tóng shí dài : contemporary
現 代 音 樂 xiàn dài yīn yuè : modern music; contemporary music
行 «行» xíng : all right; capable; competent; OK; okay; to go; to do; to travel; temporary; to walk; to go; will do
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性 格 xìng gé : nature; disposition; temperament; character
性 情 xìng qing : nature; temperament
一 時 yì shí : temporary; momentary
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誘 惑 yòu huò : entice; temptation
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暫 時 zàn shí : temporary; provisional
躁 zào : hot-tempered; impatient
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嘖 [啧] zé : (interj. of admiration or of disgust); to click one's tongue; to attempt to (find an opportunity to) speak
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璉 liǎn : vessel used to hold grain at temple sacrifices
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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