版 圖 bǎn tú : domain; territory
本 土 běn tǔ : one's native country; metropolitan territory
怖 bù : terror; terrified; afraid; frightened
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不 斷 bù duàn : unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant
傳 訊 chuán xùn : subpoena; summon for interrogation
茨 cí : Tribulus terrestris; thatched hut
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海 域 hǎi yù : territorial waters
猲 hè : frightened; terrified
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畿 jī : territory around the capital
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驚 嚇 jīng xià : horrify; terrify
境 jìng : border; place; condition; boundary; circumstances; territory
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可 怕 kě pà : awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly
領 域 lǐng yù : domain; sphere; field; territory; area
淪 陷 lún xiàn : (territory) fall to enemy occupation
么 [么 幺] ma : (interrog. part.)
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么 [么 幺] me : (interrog. suff.)
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麼 [么 麽] «麽» me : (interrog. suff.)
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美 差 事 měi chāi shì : a terrific job
平 臺 píng tái : platform; terrace
侵 佔 qīn zhàn : to invade and occupy (territory)
瞏 qióng : gaze in terror; lonely
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收 復 shōu fù : recover (lost territory, etc.); recapture
屬 地 shǔ dì : dependency; possession; annexed territory
水 域 shuǐ yù : (territorial) waters
隧 suì : subterranean; underground passage
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形 勢 xíng shì : circumstances; situation; terrain
凶 «兇» xiōng : fierce; terrible; ominous
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訊 [讯] xùn : to question; to ask; to interrogate; rapid; speedy; fast; news; information
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祅 yāo : calamity from terrestrial disorder
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疑 問 yí wèn : interrogation; interrogative; query
疑 問 句 yí wèn jù : interrogative sentence
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域 yù : region; territory; domain
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
越 野 車 yuè yě chē : off-road vehicle; all terrain vehicle; sport utility vehicle
哉 zāi : (exclamatory or interrog. part.)
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糟 糕 zāo gāo : too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad
怎 麼 zěn me : (interrogative pronoun); how (can it be that)
佔 領 zhàn lǐng : to occupy (a territory); to hold
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質 問 zhì wèn : (ask a) question; inquire; interrogate
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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