板 牙 bǎn yá : front tooth; incisor; molar; screw die; threading die
逼 人 bī rén : pressing; threatening
筆 套 bǐ tào : the cap of a pen; pencil; or writing brush; the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread
不 絕 如 縷 bù jué rú lǔ : hanging by a thread; very precarious; almost extinct; (of sound) linger on faintly
穿 chuān : to bore through; pierce; perforate; penetrate; pass through; to dress; to wear; to put on; to thread
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恫 嚇 dòng hè : intimidate; make threats
多 工 運 作 duō gōng yùn zuò : multithreading
紡 織 fǎng zhī : spinning (thread)
軍 事 威 脅 jūn shì wēi xié : military threat
恐 嚇 kǒng hè : to threaten; to menace
纑 lú : hempen thread; to dress hemp
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綸 [纶] lún : classify; silk thread; twist silk
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縷 [缕] lǚ : state in detail; strand; thread
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潛 在 威 脅 qián zài wēi xié : potential threat; potential menace
紉 [纫] rèn : to string; to thread (needle)
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紝 [纴] rèn : thread used for weaving
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絲 [丝] «纟» sī : silk; thread; trace
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威 脅 wēi xié : to threaten; to menace
嚇 [吓] xià : to frighten; to scare; to intimidate; to threaten
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線 [线] «綫» xiàn : thread; string; wire; line
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線 索 xiàn suǒ : trail; clues; thread (of a story)
脅 [胁] xié : side of body; threaten
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緒 [绪] «緖» xù : beginnings; clues; mental state; thread
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鏇 xuàn : lathe; thread in screw
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運 作 yùn zuò : thread (computing)
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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