阿 ā : an initial particle; prefix to names of people
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暴 雨 bào yǔ : torrential rain; rainstorm
本 質 上 běn zhì shàng : essentially
必 不 可 少 bì bù kě shǎo : absolutely necessary; indispensable; essential
畢 恭 畢 敬 bì gōng bì jìng : reverent and respectful; extremely deferential
必 需 bì xū : essential; indispensable
必 需 品 bì xū pǐn : necessity; essential (thing)
必 要 bì yào : necessary; essential; indispensable; required
秉 公 bǐng gōng : justly; impartially
不 偏 不 倚 bù piān bù yǐ : even-handed; impartial; unbiased
初 步 chū bù : initial; preliminary; tentative
初 期 chū qī : initial stage; beginning period
公 平 gōng píng : fair; impartial
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Big5: , Unicode:
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Big5: 委
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開 始 kāi shǐ : begin; beginning; start; initial
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密 «宻» mì : secret; confidential; close; thick; dense
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掔 qiān : lead along; substantial
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潛 力 qián lì : potential; capacity
潛 在 qián zài : hidden; potential; latent
潛 在 威 脅 qián zài wēi xié : potential threat; potential menace
實 質 上 shí zhì shàng : virtually; essentially
天 上 tiān shàng : celestial; heavenly
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武 術 wǔ shù : wushu, martial arts such as shadow-boxing, swordplay, etc.
星 球 xīng qiú : celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite, etc); heavenly body
星 體 xīng tǐ : celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite, etc)
洶 [汹] xiōng : torrential rush; tumultuous
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
要 點 yào diǎn : main point; essential
要 素 yào sù : essential; factor
優 惠 yōu huì : preferential; favorable
有 影 響 yǒu yǐng xiǎng : influential
證 件 zhèng jiàn : paperwork; credentials
證 書 zhèng shū : credentials; certificate
總 統 選 舉 zǒng tóng zuǎn jǔ : presidential election
總 統 府 zǒng tǒng fǔ : presidential palace
最 初 zuì chū : first; primary; initial
Zhendic searched tial as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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