霸 王 鞭 bà wáng biān : a rattle stick used in folk dancing; rattle stick dance
半 票 bàn piào : half-price ticket; half fare
棒 bàng : a stick; club or cudgel; smart; capable; strong
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棒 子 bàng zǐ : stick; club; cudgel; maize (corn); ear of maize; corncob
比 量 bǐ liàng : take rough measurements (with the hand; a stick; string; etc; )
撥 弄 bō nòng : move to and fro (with hand; foot; stick; etc; ); fiddle with; stir up
補 票 bǔ piào : buy one's ticket after the normal time
不 拘 bù jū : not stick to; not confine oneself to; whatever
不 拘 一 格 bù jū yī gé : not stick to one pattern
插 «扱» chā : insert; stick in; pierce; to take part in; to interfere; to interpose
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插 入 chā rù : insert; stick; thrust
籌 [筹] chóu : a tally; counter; ticket; plan; devise; manage
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滴 答 聲 dī da shēng : tick (tock)
訂 票 dìng piào : to issue tickets
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搢 jìn : shake; stick into; strike
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撅 «掘» juē : break off; stick up (as a tail)
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籤 «籖» qiān : a note; a stick; sign one's name
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扦 qiān : graft (tree); stick in
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券 quàn : deed; bond; contract; ticket
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折 shé : broken (as of rope; stick)
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售 票 處 shòu piào chù : ticket office
售 票 口 shòu piào kǒu : ticket window
售 票 員 shòu piào yuán : ticket seller
貼 [贴] tiē : to stick; to paste; to keep close to; to fit snugly; allowance
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痒 «癢» yǎng : to itch; to tickle
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痒 痒 yǎng yang : to itch; to tickle
籯 yíng : slender basket for chopsticks
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栽 zāi : to force; to stick in; to plant
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扎 zhā : to prick; to run or stick (a needle, etc.) into
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炷 zhù : candlewick; incense stick
Big5: Ï®
, Unicode: 70b7
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Zhendic searched tick as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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