阿 昌 族 ā chāng zú : the Achang nationality living in Yunnan
按 步 就 班 àn bù jiù bān : follow the prescribed order; keep to conventional ways
拔 罐 子 bá guàn zǐ : cupping technique used in traditional Chinese medicine
白 描 bái miáo : line drawing in traditional ink and brush style; simple and straightforward style of writing
白 族 bái zú : the Bai (Pai) nationality; living in Yunnan
板 眼 bǎn yǎn : measure in traditional Chinese music; orderliness
幫 腔 bāng qiāng : vocal accompaniment in some traditional Chinese operas
保 安 族 bǎo ān zú : the Baoan (Paoan) nationality; living in Gansu
崩 龍 族 bēng lóng zú : the Benglong (Penglung) nationality; living in Yunnan
閉 關 自 守 bì guān zì shǒu : close the country to international intercourse
標 新 立 異 biāo xīn lì yì : start something new in order to be different; do something unconventional or unorthodox; create something new and original
伯 杰 bó jié : (Samuel) Berger (US National Security Advisor)
博 覽 會 bó lǎn huì : (international) fair
補 充 bǔ chōng : to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary
部 首 bù shǒu : radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries
常 規 cháng guī : conventional (weapons); conventional; common; routine
常 規 武 器 cháng guī wǔ qì : conventional weapon
傳 統 醫 藥 chuán tǒng yī yào : (Chinese) traditional medicine
傳 統 中 國 醫 藥 chuán tǒng zhōng guó yī yào : Chinese traditional medicine
大 赦 國 際 dà shè guó jì : Amnesty International
單 向 dān xiàng : uni-directional
非 常 fēi cháng : unusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional
輔 幣 fǔ bì : fractional currency
附 加 fù jiā : additional; annex
功 能 群 gōng néng qún : functional group
恭 喜 發 財 gōng xǐ fā cái : congratulations for getting rich (traditional Chinese New Year's future use
公 約 gōng yuē : convention (i.e. international agreement)
國 防 guó fáng : national defense
國 防 部 guó fáng bù : Defense Department; Ministry of National Defense
國 防 利 益 guó fáng lì yì : (national) defense interests
國 際 標 準 guó jì biāo zhǔn : international standard
國 際 標 準 組 織 guó jì biāo zhǔn zǔ zhī : International Standards Organization; ISO
國 際 電 話 電 報 諮 詢 委 員 會 guó jì diàn huà diàn bào zī xún wěi yuán hè : International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph; CCITT (now ITU)
國 際 電 信 聯 盟 guó jì diàn xìn lián méng : International Telecommunications Union; ITU
國 際 法 guó jì fǎ : international law
國 際 貨 幣 基 金 組 織 guó jì huò bì jī jīn zǔ zhī : International Monetary Fund; IMF
國 際 級 guó jì jí : (at an) international level
國 際 見 聞 guó jì jiàn wén : International Background Knowledge
國 際 貿 易 guó jì mào yì : international trade
國 際 商 業 機 器 guó jì shāng yè jī qì : International Business Machines; IBM
國 家 安 全 guó jiā ān quán : national security
國 立 guó lì : national; state-run; public
國 民 黨 guó mín dǎng : Kuomintang; nationalist party
國 民 黨 軍 隊 guó mín dǎng bù duì : nationalist forces
國 營 guó yíng : state-run (company, etc); nationalized
國 營 企 業 guó yíng qǐ yè : nationalized industry
國 有 guó yǒu : nationalized; public; government owned; state-owned
國 有 企 業 guó yǒu qǐ yè : nationalized business; state-owned business
合 理 hé lǐ : rationale; reasonable
畸 jī : fractional remains; odd
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建 制 jiàn zhì : organizational structure
教 學 機 構 jiào xué jī gòu : educational organization
教 育 性 jiào yù xìng : instructive; educational
結 社 自 由 jié shè zì yóu : (constitutional) freedom of association
進 修 jìn xiū : advanced studies; additional studies
跨 國 kuà guó : transnational; multinational
跨 國 公 司 kuà guó gōng sī : transnational corporation; multinational corporation
勞 動 節 láo dòng jié : International Labor Day (May Day)
另 外 lìng wài : additional; in addition; besides; separate; other; moreover; furthermore
民 mín : the people; nationality; citizen
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民 樂 mín yuè : music, esp. folk music, for traditional instruments
民 族 mín zú : nationality; ethnic group
民 族 主 義 mín zú zhǔ yì : nationalism
民 族 主 義 情 緒 mín zú zhǔ yì qíng xù : nationalist feelings; nationalist sentiment
農 曆 nóng lì : the traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar calendar
情 緒 化 qíng xù huà : emotional; sentimental
全 國 性 quán guó xìng : national
人 大 rén dà : (China) National People's Congress
少 數 民 族 shǎo shù mín zú : minority nationality; national minority
太 極 劍 tài jí jiàn : a kind of traditional Chinese sword-play
太 極 拳 tài jí quán : a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing (tai chi chuan)
統 一 招 生 tǒng yī zhāo shēng : national unified entrance exam
維 吾 爾 族 wéi wú ěr zú : the Uygur (Uighur) nationality, living in Xinjiang
違 憲 wéi xiàn : unconstitutional
無 理 wú lǐ : irrational; unreasonable
夏 曆 xià lì : the traditional Chinese lunar calendar
謝 辛 xiè xīn : Chea Sim (Cambodian National Assembly President)
學 位 xué wèi : educational level
學 院 xué yuàn : college; educational institute; school; faculty
言 論 自 由 yán lùn zì yóu : (constitutional) freedom of speech
引 力 場 yǐn lì chǎng : gravitational field
有 意 yǒu yì : intend; intentionally
運 行 狀 況 yùn xíng zhuàng kuàng : operational state; running state
藏 族 zàng zú : Tibetan nationality
職 業 中 學 zhí yè zhōng xué : vocational high school
中 藥 zhōng yào : (traditional) Chinese medicine
族 zú : race; nationality; ethnicity; clan
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