把 風 bǎ fēng : keep watch (during a clandestine activity); be on the lookout
創 造 力 chuàng zào lì : ingenuity; creativity
創 造 性 chuàng zào xìng : creativeness; creativity
活 動 huó dòng : activity; exercise; behavior
接 收 器 靈 敏 度 jiē shōu qì líng mǐn dù : receiver sensitivity
經 營 jīng yíng : engage in (a business activity, etc.); run; operate
靈 敏 度 líng mǐn dù : (level of) sensitivity
商 業 行 為 shāng yè xíng wéi : business activity; commercial activity
生 活 shēng huó : life; activity
行 為 xíng wéi : action; conduct; behavior; activity
性 行 xìng xíng : sexual activity
作 用 zuò yòng : action; activity; actions; acts; effect; to play a role
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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