愛 護 ài hù : cherish; treasure; take good care of
愛 惜 ài xǐ : cherish; treasure; use sparingly
寶 [宝] bǎo : a jewel or gem; a treasure; precious
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寶 貝 bǎo bèi : treasured object; treasure; darling; baby; cowry; good-for-nothing or queer character
寶 貴 bǎo guì : valuable; precious; value; treasure; set store by
財 務 秘 書 cái wù mì shū : treasurer
出 納 員 chū nà yuán : cashier; teller; treasurer
叛 國 罪 pàn guó zuì : the crime of treason
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珍 «珎» zhēn : precious thing; treasure
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Zhendic searched treas as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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