並 行 不 悖 bìng xíng bù bèi : both can be implemented without coming into conflict; not be mutually exclusive; run parallel
不 虞 bù yú : unexpected; eventuality; contingency; not worry about
讀 書 人 dú shū rén : a scholar; an intellectual
對 峙 duì zhì : mutual confrontation
固 定 虛 擬 連 接 gù dìng xū nǐ lián jiē : Permanent Virtual Connection; PVC
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互 相 hù xiāng : each other; mutually; mutual
交 互 jiāo hù : mutual; each other; alternately; in turn
交 換 虛 電 路 jiāo huàn xūn diàn lù : Switched Virtual Circuit; SVC
精 神 jīng shén : vigor; vitality; drive; spiritual
竟 jìng : unexpectedly; actually; to go so far as to; indeed
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究 竟 jiū jìng : after all (when all is said and done); actually; outcome; result
其 實 qí shí : actually; that is not the case; in fact; really
神 «神» shén : God; unusual; mysterious; soul; spirit; divine essence; lively; spiritual being
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實 際 shí jì : actual; reality; practice
實 況 shí kuàng : what is actually happening; scene
實 質 上 shí zhì shàng : virtually; essentially
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往 常 wǎng cháng : habitually in the past; as one used to do formerly; as it used to be
現 實 xiàn shí : reality; actuality; real; actual
相 xiāng : each other; one another; mutually
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相 互 xiāng hù : each other; mutual
相 互 兼 容 xiāng hù jiān róng : mutually compatible
心 靈 上 xīn líng shàng : spiritual
虛 擬 xū nǐ : fictitious; theoretical; virtual
虛 擬 連 接 xū nǐ lián jiē : virtual connection
虛 擬 通 道 標 誌 符 xū nǐ tōng dào biāo zhì fú : virtual channel connection identifier; VCI
虛 擬 通 道 連 接 xū nǐ tōng dào lián jiē : virtual channel connection; VCC
虛 擬 網 絡 xū nǐ wǎng luò : virtual network
虛 電 路 xūn diàn lù : virtual circuit; VC
永 yǒng : forever; always; perpetual (ly)
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永 久 yǒng jiǔ : everlasting; perpetual; lasting; forever; permanent
永 久 虛 電 路 yǒng jiǔ xūn diàn lù : Permanent Virtual Circuit; PVC
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知 識 份 子 zhī shí fèn zǐ : intellectual; learned person
知 識 zhī shi : intellectual; knowledge-related; knowledge
知 識 產 權 zhī shi chǎn quán : intellectual property rights
知 識 分 子 zhī shi fèn zǐ : intellectual; intelligentsia
智 慧 產 權 zhì huì chǎn quán : intellectual property
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