矮 個 兒 ǎi gè ér : a person of short stature; a short person
暗 送 秋 波 àn sòng qiū bō : make eyes at sb; while others are not looking; stealthily give sb; the glad eye; make secret overtures to sb
熬 煎 áo jiān : suffering; torture
版 畫 bǎn huà : a picture printed from an engraved or etched plate; print
半 成 品 bàn chéng pǐn : semi-manufactured goods; semi-finished articles; semi-finished products
包 身 工 bāo shēn gōng : indentured laborer
保 商 bǎo shāng : preservation of soil moisture
報 告 bào gào : to inform; report; make known; speech; talk; lecture
報 告 會 bào gào huì : public lecture (with guest speakers, etc)
備 查 bèi chá : for future reference
備 而 不 用 bèi ér bù yòng : have something ready just in case; keep something for possible future use
本 來 面 目 běn lái miàn mù : true colors; true features
本 性 běn xìng : natural instincts; nature; inherent quality
本 質 běn zhì : essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality
鼻 針 療 法 bí zhēn liáo fǎ : nose-acupuncture therapy
比 bǐ : (particle used for comparison and "-er than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio
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比 畫 bǐ huā : gesture; gesticulate
筆 記 bǐ jì : take down (in writing); notes; a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches
比 試 bǐ shì : have a competition; measure with one's hand or arm; make a gesture of measuring
砭 biān : a stone probe; acupuncture
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變 文 biàn wén : a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhistic themes)
波 爾 多 液 bō ěr duō yè : Bordeaux mixture
捕 bǔ : to catch; to seize; to capture; to catch
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補 法 bǔ fǎ : treatment involving the use of tonics to restore the patient's health; reinforcing method (in acupuncture)
捕 俘 bǔ fú : capture enemy personnel (for intelligence purposes)
捕 獲 bǔ huò : to catch; to capture; to seize
捕 拿 bǔ ná : arrest; capture; catch
補 瀉 bǔ xiè : reinforcing and reducing methods (in acupuncture)
哺 育 bǔ yù : feed; nurture; foster
部 «卩» bù : ministry; department; section; part; division; troops; board; (a measure word); (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)
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不 揣 冒 昧 bù chuǎi mào mèi : venture to; presume to; take the liberty of
不 入 虎 穴 焉 得 虎 子 bù rù hǔ xué yān dé hǔ zǐ : how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair; nothing venture; nothing to gain or have
猜 測 cāi cè : guess; conjecture; surmise
猜 度 cāi duó : surmise; conjecture
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糙 cāo : rough; coarse (in texture)
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測 [测] cè : side; to lean; to survey; to measure; conjecture
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成 長 chéng zhǎng : mature; grow up
大 器 晚 成 dà qì wǎn chéng : grand talents mature slowly
大 自 然 dà zì rán : nature (as in Mother Nature)
地 方 官 職 位 dì fāng guān zhí wèi : prefecture
發 燒 fā shāo : have a high temperature (from illness); have a fever
費 用 fèi yòng : cost; expenditure; expense
分 佈 式 結 構 fēn bù shì jié gòu : distributed architecture
幅 fú : (measure word for textile or picture); width; roll
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個 子 gè zi : height; stature; build; size
攻 克 gōng kè : to capture; to take
恭 喜 發 財 gōng xǐ fā cái : congratulations for getting rich (traditional Chinese New Year's future use
構 造 gòu zào : structure; composition
掛 好 guà hǎo : to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes, etc.)
光 明 guāng míng : bright (future); promising
海 洋 溫 度 hǎi yáng wēn dù : ocean temperature
合 成 hé chéng : compound; synthesis; mixture
畫 [划 画] «画» huà : draw; picture; painting
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畫 面 huà miàn : (picture) frame
畫 兒 [划 画] «画» huàr : picture; drawing; painting
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伙 «夥» huǒ : assistant; furniture; partner
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獲 [获] huò : to catch; to obtain; to capture
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架 構 jià gòu : infrastructure; architecture
建 制 jiàn zhì : organizational structure
建 築 學 jiàn zhú xué : architectural; architecture
將 [将] jiāng : (will, shall, "future tense"); ready; prepared; to get; to use
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講 師 jiǎng shī : instructor; lecturer
結 構 jié gòu : structure; composition; makeup; architecture
今 後 jīn hòu : henceforth; in the future; from now on
經 [经] «経» jīng : classics; sacred book; pass through; to undergo; scripture
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經 典 jīng diǎn : classics; scriptures
經 費 jīng fèi : funds; expenditure
經 濟 前 途 jīng jì qián tú : economic future; economic outlook
經 文 jīng wén : scripture; scriptures
拘 jū : adhere; capture; restrain
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挶 jú : structure for carrying dirt
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軍 費 jūn fèi : military expenditure
開 支 kāi zhī : expenditures; pay; expenses
拷 kǎo : to beat; to flog; to examine by torture
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拷 問 kǎo wèn : to question via torture
客 戶 服 務 器 結 構 kè hù dú wù qù jié gòu : client server architecture
理 «理» lǐ : reason; logic; science; inner principle or structure
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立 法 機 關 lì fǎ jī guān : legislature
漫 畫 màn huà : caricature; cartoon
面 目 miàn mù : appearance; facial features; look
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內 部 結 構 nèi bù jié gòu : internal structure; internal composition
年 畫 兒 nián huàr : New Year (or Spring Festival) picture
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農 業 nóng yè : agriculture; farming
拍 pāi : to clap; to pat; to beat; to hit; to slap; to take (a picture)
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拍 攝 pāi shè : (shoot a) picture
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