按 勞 分 配 àn láo fēn pèi : distribution according to work
按 需 分 配 àn xū fēn pèi : distribution according to need
百 足 之 蟲 死 而 不 僵 bǎi zú zhī chóng sǐ ér bù jiāng : a centipede dies but never falls down; old institutions die hard
報 應 bào yìng : retribution; judgment
創 辦 人 chuàng bàn rén : founder (of an institution, etc)
檔 案 執 行 dàng àn zhí xíng : file execution; executable file
地 址 解 析 協 議 dì zhǐ jiě xī xié yì : address resolution protocol; ARP
斗 批 改 dòu pī gǎi : struggle-criticism-transformation (Cultural Revolution slogan)
法 制 fǎ zhì : legal system and institutions
反 革 命 fǎn gé mìng : counter-revolutionary
防 止 fáng zhǐ : to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions
分 發 fēn fā : distribute; distribution
革 命 gé mìng : (political) revolution
貢 獻 gòng xiàn : to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution
故 障 排 除 gù zhàng pái chú : fault resolution; trouble clearing
紅 [红] hóng : bonus; popular; red; revolutionary
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紅 色 hóng sè : red (color); revolutionary
機 構 jī gòu : organization; agency; institution
檢 察 官 jiǎn chá guān : the prosecution (in a court case)
結 社 自 由 jié shè zì yóu : (constitutional) freedom of association
捐 助 juān zhù : offer; contribution; donation
決 心 jué xīn : determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind
決 議 jué yì : (pass a) resolution
決 議 案 jué yì àn : (pass a) resolution
軍 事 機 構 jūn shì jī gòu : military institution
募 mù : canvass for contributions; to recruit; to collect; to raise
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募 捐 mù juān : to solicit contributions
溶 解 róng jiě : dissolve; solution
違 憲 wéi xiàn : unconstitutional
憲 xiàn : statute; constitution
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憲 法 xiàn fǎ : constitution (of a country)
言 論 自 由 yán lùn zì yóu : (constitutional) freedom of speech
一 九 四 九 年 yī jiǔ sì jiǔ nián : the year 1949 (Communist revolution)
預 防 yù fáng : to prevent; to take precautions against; to protect; to guard against
院 yuàn : courtyard; institution
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鑕 [锧] zhì : (executioner's) block
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制 度 zhì dù : (political) system or institution
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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