皚 [皑] ái : white (of snow; etc.)
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白 bái : white; snowy; empty; blank; bright; clear; plain; pure; gratuitous
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白 矮 星 bái ǎi xīng : white dwarf
白 布 bái bù : plain white cloth; calico
白 熾 bái chì : white heat; incandescence
白 花 花 bái huā huā : shining white
白 酒 bái jiǔ : spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize; white spirit
白 口 鐵 bái kǒu tiě : white iron
白 蠟 bái lā : white wax; insect wax
白 痢 bái lì : dysentery characterized by white mucous stool; white diarrhea
白 臉 bái liǎn : white face; face painting in Beijing Opera; etc
白 磷 bái lín : white phosphorus
白 茫 茫 bái máng máng : (of mist, snow, floodwater, etc) a vast expanse of whiteness
白 煤 bái méi : anthracite; hard coal; white coal; waterpower
白 砒 bái pī : white arsenic; arsenic trioxide
白 皮 書 bái pí shū : white paper; white book
白 熱 bái rè : white heat; incandescence
白 熱 化 bái rè huà : turn white hot
白 人 bái rén : white man and woman
白 色 bái sè : white (color); White (as a symbol of reaction)
白 色 人 種 bái sè rén zhǒng : the white race
白 水 泥 bái shuǐ ní : white cement
白 糖 bái táng : (refined) white sugar
白 陶 bái táo : white pottery (of Shang Dynastry 16-11th century BC)
白 細 胞 bái xì bāo : white blood cell; leucocyte
白 血 球 bái xiě qiú : white blood cell; leucocyte
白 熊 bái xióng : polar bear; white bear
白 眼 珠 bái yǎn zhū : the white of the eye
白 衣 戰 士 bái yī zhàn shì : warrior in white; medical worker
白 蟻 bái yǐ : termite; white ant
白 云 母 bái yún mǔ : muscovite; white mica
白 紙 黑 字 bái zhì hēi zì : (written) in black and white
白 種 bái zhǒng : the white race
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蛋 白 dàn bái : egg white; protein; albumen
珶 «瑅» dì : white jade worn on belt
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堊 [垩] «聖» è : to whitewash; to plaster
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皓 hào : bright; d (19th); white
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雒 luò : black horse with white mane; fearful
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塓 mì : to plaster; whitewash (wall)
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眅 pān : show the whites of eyes
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驈 yù : black horse with white legs
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騵 yuán : chestnut horse with white belly
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粻 zhāng : food; white cooked rice
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Zhendic searched whit as en in 0 s.
Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.
Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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