比 色 分 析 bǐ sè fēn xī : colorimetric analysis
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Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language
畢 竟 bì jìng : after all; all in all; when all is said and done; in the final analysis; after all
辯 証 施 治 biàn zhèng shī zhì : diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition
分 析 fēn xī : to analyze; analysis
骨 幹 gǔ gàn : backbone; diaphysis
巡 迴 分 析 端 口 xún huí fēn xī duān kǒu : Roving Analysis Port; RAP
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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict
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