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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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bǎi shì shí jiǎng dào : present the facts and reason things out

bān : teams and groups (in factories; etc; )

bàn chéng pǐn : semi-manufactured goods; semi-finished articles; semi-finished products

bāng pái : faction

bīng gōng chǎng : munitions or ordnance factory; arsenal

[厂] «厰» chǎng : cliff; slope; factory; yard; depot; workhouse; works

Big5: , Unicode: 5ee0 (廠),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

«廠» chǎng : factory

Big5: , Unicode: 5382 (厂),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

chǎng fáng : a building used as a factory; factory (building)

chǎng gōng : factory worker

chǎng guī : factory regulations

chǎng kuàng : factories and mines

chǎng shǐ : factory history

chǎng zhǎng : factory director

chǎng zhǐ : factory site; location

chǎng zhǔ : factory owner

chéng běn : (manufacturing, production, etc.) costs

kuài rén xīn : to the satisfaction of everyone

gōng chǎng : factory

yán zhì huà : nuclear weapons (manufacturing) program

: because of; in view of; due to; in view of the fact that

pài : clique; school; group; faction; to dispatch

Big5: , Unicode: 6d3e (派),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

shí : actually; that is not the case; in fact; really

shēng chǎn : to produce; manufacture

shēng chǎn : manufacturing ability

shēng chǎn : manufacturer

shēng chǎn shè bèi : production equipment; manufacturing equipment

shí shàng : in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice

shì shí : (the) fact (that)

tiáo jiàn : condition; prerequisite; factor

yán zhì : to manufacture; to develop

yán zhì guò chéng : manufacturing environment

yào : essential; factor

yīn : element; factor

yīn : factor

zài : (the problem or explanation or advantage etc.) lies in (the fact that...); to lie in; to reside in; to rest in; to depend on

zào : to make; to build; to invent; to manufacture

Big5: , Unicode: 9020 (造),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zhèn yíng : group of people; camp; faction

«製» zhì : system; to make; to manufacture; to control; to regulate

Big5: , Unicode: 5236 (制),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[制] zhì : manufacture

Big5: , Unicode: 88fd (製),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zhì zào : to manufacture; to make

zhì zào shāng : manufacturing company

zhì zào zhě : manufacturer

zhì zuò : make; manufacture

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Searches are case-sensitive and limited to 100 records.

Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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