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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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bān huì : a routine meeting of a squad; team or class

huì : close a meeting

huān ér sàn : part on bad terms; (of a meeting; etc; ) break up in discord

huì : general assembly; general meeting

gōng huì : company meeting

huì chǎng : meeting place; place where people gather

huì : meet; have a meeting

huì miàn : meet with; have a meeting

huì : meet; meeting; conference

huì : meeting; conference

huì : gather; assembly; meeting

xíng : to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)

kāi huì : have a meeting; be at a meeting; to hold or attend a meeting

huì : regular meeting

páng tīng : be a visitor (at a meeting, class, trial, etc)

shèng huì : pageant; distinguished meeting

shǒu nǎo : head (of state); summit (meeting); leader

shǒu nǎo huì : leadership meeting

shǒu nǎo huì : leadership conference; summit meeting

wěi yuán huì huì : committee meeting

yuè fèn huì : monthly meeting; monthly conference

zhào kāi : convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together

zhào kāi huì : to call a conference; to convene a meeting

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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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