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Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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chéng : eighty percent; most probably; most likely

bǎo zhù : most likely; more likely than not; may well

bèi zhì : to the utmost; in every possible way

[标] biāo : the topmost branches of a tree; surface; sign; to mark; (outward) sign; indication; prize; award

Big5: , Unicode: 6a19 (標),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

jué : hanging by a thread; very precarious; almost extinct; (of sound) linger on faintly

: spare no pains or effort; do one's utmost

chà bu duō : almost, nearly

«埀» chuí : to hang (down); droop; dangle; bend down; hand down; bequeath; nearly; almost; to approach

Big5: , Unicode: 5782 (垂),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

dōu : general; for the most part; on the whole

duō : for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly

tóng xiǎo : almost similar; except slight differences

dài : dangerous; perilous; endanger; almost; probably; only

Big5: , Unicode: 6b86 (殆),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[顶] dǐng : go against; most; peak; top; to replace; to substitute; a measure word (use with "hat")

Big5: , Unicode: 9802 (頂),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

dǐng duō : at most; at best

duō shù : majority; most

[该] gāi : that; the above-mentioned; most likely; to deserve; should; ought to; owe

Big5: , Unicode: 8a72 (該),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

guǐ : almost succeed; crafty; suddenly

Big5: , Unicode: 4f79 (佹),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[几] : almost

Big5: , Unicode: 5e7e (幾),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: almost; nearly; practically

wán quán : almost entirely; almost completely

[极] : extremely; pole (geog.; physics); utmost; top

Big5: , Unicode: 6975 (極),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: do at all costs; make an utmost effort

jiǎn : carry to the utmost; to cut

Big5: , Unicode: 6229 (戩),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

jiāng jìn : almost; nearly; close to

jié jìn quán : to spare no effort; do one's utmost

[尽] jǐn : to the utmost

Big5: , Unicode: 5118 (儘),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

[尽] jìn : to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth)

Big5: , Unicode: 76e1 (盡),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

: greatest; most important

nèi xīn : heart; innermost being

tài : safe; peaceful; most; Thai(land); grand

Big5: , Unicode: 6cf0 (泰),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zài duō shù qíng kuàng xià : in most instances

zhēn : to reach; utmost

Big5: , Unicode: 81fb (臻),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zhì : arrive; most; to; until

Big5: , Unicode: 81f3 (至),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zuì : (the) most; -est

Big5: , Unicode: 6700 (最),
Links: MT, Cantonese, Ld, Chinese Language

zuì duō : at most; maximum; largest (number of sth); the most

zuì hòu gēng xīn : latest update; most recent update

zuì huì guó : most-favored nation (trade status)

zuì wéi : the most

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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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