Zhongwen frame (on/off) ⇒
Zhendic, a Chinese (trad.)-Pinyin-English dictionary
based on CEDICT
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cuò bài : thwart; defeat; foil (someone's plans, etc)

dēng mén : pay a visit to someone's house

dìng zuì : convict (someone of a crime)

huàn : call out (someone's name, etc); shout

: call on (someone to do something); appeal; to appeal (to)

[话] huà : dialect; language; spoken words; speech; talk; words; conversation; what someone said

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huái bào : (within someone's) embrace; cherish

huì huì : (posing a question: whether someone, something) can or not; is able to or not

huì jiàn : to meet with (someone who is paying a visit)

jiàn miàn : meet; see (someone)

jiāo fēng : cross swords; have a confrontation(with someone)

jiào xǐng : to call awake; to wake up (someone); to awaken

jiào xun : (teach someone or learn a) lesson (i.e. obtain wisdom from an experience)

jiě chú : remove; relieve (someone of their duties)

jìng zhù : to respectfully offer (written at the end of letter from someone of lower status to higher status)

liú : detain (prisoner); keep (someone) in custody

kòu : detain; keep (someone) in custody

: benefit; (in someone's) interest

lìng rén : cause someone to (be, feel, etc); reader

máo tóu zhǐ xiàng : target someone or something (for attack, criticism, etc.)

míng : titular; (do something) in (someone's) name

使 shǐ : force (someone to do something)

shì : discrimination (against someone)

rén : to get someone angry; to get someone annoyed

qīn jìn : get close to someone; get intimate

ér dài zhī : substitute; remove and replace (someone)

quàn dǎo : try to convince; advise (someone to do something)

[让] ràng : to ask; to let; permit; have (someone do something); to yield; to allow

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rén shēn : personal; (on someone's) person or body

rén : characters (in a play, novel, etc.); figure; someone who plays a part

zi : a (calendar) date; days of (someone's) life; day; date

shā gěi hóu kàn : "kill a chicken in front of a monkey" -- make an example out of someone (by punishing them) to frighten others

shěn pàn : put (someone) to trial

shǒu : (a situation is) in (someone's) hands

shuō fa : statement; statement; wording; (someone's) version (of events)

sòng rén : to see (or walk) someone home; to see someone off

sòng xíng : to see someone off

rén : other person; someone else

tóng móu : to conspire with someone; (be an) accomplice; to plot; (co)conspirator; partner in crime

wèi : (interjection) hello; to feed (someone or some animal); hey; telephone greeting

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wèn hòu : give someone one's respects; send a greeting

xiǎng : idea; what (someone) is thinking; to think of a way (to do sth)

xìn xīn : confidence; faith (in someone or something)

zāi zāng : to frame someone (by planting sth on them)

bèi : blame; be critical of (someone)

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Ressources : Unihan database, Guoyu Cidian, Lindict

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